Spotify Data Visualization
An interactive platform for party DJs to analyze music data and choose songs to play
House Party DJs Music Lovers
3 Months
Haasini Sai Katrina Ma
My Focus
Interaction Design Visual Design
This class project helps DJs and music lovers find new playlist songs and evaluate tracks using Spotify audio attribute data visualizations. As a team of three, we crafted visualizations to enhance user understanding of Spotify's audio attributes. Following a human-centered approach, we conceived, refined through feedback, and built an interactive Tableau prototype with real data. My role was a UX designer working on UI and visual design and Tableau dashboard development.
Design Process
DJ Is NOT Just “choosing songs”
DJs must balance the set using crowd energy, track elements, and song popularity. Yet, confusion arises over song choices, leading to frequent changes if they don't match the vibe.
Big Data: Understanding DJ’s Problems
Using secondary research as our foundation, we gained insights into music terminology and the world of DJs. We then conducted four interviews with music creation enthusiasts to identify their needs, revealing two main problems:
Exploring songs DJs find it unproductive to switch songs for both high and low-energy danceable tracks
Evaluate playlist Music lovers are frustrated when their app-recommended playlist doesn't fit well
Based on the research, two key user groups were identified for this visualization:
House Party DJ
Music Lovers
How Might We
help DJs create and evaluate party playlists?
DJ + Data Visualization = ___?
What do we want to do with DJ + data visualization?
Top 3 Goals
Visualizing attributes of songs in an extensive music library and a curated DJ playlist
Helping DJ choose songs according to vibe
Educating music lovers about music attributes
Ideate Initial Concepts
Our initial visualization concepts were grouped to generate 3 design sheets with the
Five Design Sheets
Initial Concepts
Five Design Sheets
TOP 3 Challenges
Usability Challenge: Testing low-fidelity prototypes to get “thick data” (qualitative data)
Collaboration Challenge: Giving up on designs and detouring on tools
Readability Challenge: Too many data points to read
Challenge 1
Testing low-fidelity prototypes to get “thick data”
Besides gaining “big data” from secondary research, I decided to zoom in with “thick data” to understand how DJs feel, think, and interact with the low-fidelity prototype with usability testing.     Two prototype versions were crafted: Version A is a modification from the 3 design sheets for their respective tasks based on feedback, while Version B is a dashboard where both tasks are performed. Using the Think Aloud method, three participants engaged with both prototypes.
Key Insights: Participants preferred Prototype A over Prototype B
Participants usually start creating playlist with a song in mind and find similar songs, instead of values of attributes in mind
Participants want to have a better understanding of what the attributes mean
Participants think a concise and consistent summary of the playlist is more important than details of each song
Breakthrough 1
Thinking in User’s Shoes
Think about users' natural song discovery process: let them search for a song before applying filters.
Attributes require clearer explanations for user comprehension. Redesign to simplify musical terminology into plain language
Include instructional text to guide users on visualization usage (e.g., sliders, song reordering)
Challenge 2
Giving up on designs and detouring on tools
I first used
Google Colab
to create Python-based parallel coordinates. However, I had many challenges including lag in interactions due to the dataset's size and time constraints due to the steep Python learning curve.
Breakthrough 2
Re-evaluating Design Tools
Concurrently, my teammate was exploring parallel coordinates using Tableau. As a team, we re-evaluated the feasibility and limitations of both tools, ultimately choosing Tableau based on factors like time, resources, and our group's capabilities.
Challenge 3
Too many data points to read
At first, the dashboard combined parallel coordinates, scatter plots, and tables for playlist evaluation (Figure below). However, the extensive data led to poor visualization readability.
Breakthrough 3
Dividing dashboards to reduce the cognitive loads
After adding all the filters and sliders for parallel coordinates, I broke the single dashboard into two dashboards to minimize cognitive loads and make task-specific information easier to digest.
Refined Dashboard Design Based on User Feedback
“I usually have a song in mind and I try to find similar songs to it” - Participant 1
Parallel coordinates with search field
Users can search for a familiar song to see the metrics and adjust the filters to find similar songs
“I would understand the attributes better if I can listen to some examples” – P2
Dashboards to illustrate attributes
Users can delve into attribute correlations and clusters and listen to examples that demonstrate each attribute
“I didn’t know these were clickable. More explanation or labeling would help” – P3
Playlist dashboard with summary and instructions
Users can see a playlist snapshot with clear operating instructions
Next Steps
Improve discoverability of dashboards and interactions
Investigate how to improve the quantity and quality of data
“Big data” and “thick data” are complementary
Quantitative and qualitative data can work together to understand people and make better design decisions
Attention: Cognitive overload
Reduce cognitive load by making things more readable and digestible
Provide enough context for the audience
We need to step out of the design mindset and step into the audience's shoes
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